Fitness Show Sydney

Over 100 lifters took part in the Fitness Show Sydney at the premier International Convention Centre for the Asia Pacific Challenge 20-22 April 2018. In addition to the traditional Oceania Nations mainland China made its debut on the World Powerlifting stage. Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong produced top performances, whilst powerhouse Nauru continued to produce record-setters.

Amongst the women Giuliana Nannetti (380kg at 57kg) and Kelli Clarke (435kg at 72kg) were beaten for the overall title by Hong Kong’s best lifter Daniella Means with a 402.5kg at 63kg and a Wilks of 443.6. Future champion, 17-year-old Brea de Jonge, up at the other end of the weight scale at 84kg+, set SubJunior Oceania records in the Squat (180kg), Bench Press (102.5kg) and Total (462.5kg).

As usual, the standout in the men’s lifting was the Nauruan Goliath, Jezza Uepa. Jezza just missed a record Squat and Bench Press but still came through with a quality 1030kg Total in the 120+ class with a Wilks of 551.15. Trailing not far behind was Australia’s Nathan Tanis with an Oceania and World Record Squat of 300kg and a 760kg Total at 83kg.

Each of the other classes had quality winners, with Oceania Records also set by Karl Di Falco in the Squat with 227kg in the 66kg class, Alvin Lim in the Deadlift 282.5kg and with Total 672.5kg in the 74kg class, Hung Phan in the Deadlift with 322.5kg in the 105kg class and last but far from least was Sane Faatoe Bench Press with an enormous 236kg at 112kg bodyweight.

From here Oceania’s top lifters go on to a slew of national and international events in 2018 culminating with the Oceania Championships in Nauru in December.

20-22 APRIL 2018 – SYDNEY
1. Guiliana Nanetti 1993 AUS F 56.60 120.0 127.5 130.0 72.5 77.5 80.0 147.5 160.0 170.0 380.0 443.38
2. Sarah Simpson 1991 NZ F 56.35 107.5 117.5 122.5 77.5 82.5 85x 142.5 155.0 160x 360.0 421.52
1. Daniella Means 1990 HK F 60.90 132.5 137.5 140.0 80.0 82.5 85x 170.0 177.5 180.0 402.5 443.60
2. Fern Malcolm 1989 AUS F 62.55 130x 130.0 135x 82.5 85x 85x 142.5x 142.5 150x 355.0 383.33
3. Juliana Picoli 1984 NZ F 62.80 130.0 135.0 140x 55.0 57.5 60x 142.5 147.5 152.5 345.0 371.39
1. Kelli Clarke 1980 AUS F 69.10 150.0 165.0 170.0 80.0 85.0 87.5x 180x 180.0 195x 435.0 436.65
2. Isabella Thomson 1989 AUS F 71.25 150.0 157.5 162.5 72.5x 75.0 77.5 165.0 170.0 175.0 415.0 407.90
3. Bree-Danielle Wyatt 1981 AUS F 69.00 142.5 150.0 157.5 72.5 77.5 80.0 160.0 167.5 175.0 412.5 414.48
1. Pandora Togiaso 1978 NZ F 83.55 130.0 140x 140x 60.0 70.0 80x 140.0 160.0 182.5x 360.0 321.88
1. Brea De Jonge 2001 AUS F 104.30 165.0 177.5 SBJ OR 185.0 SBJ OR 90.0 SBJ OR 97.5 SBJ OR 102.5 SBJ OR 157.5 167.5 175.0 462.5 SBJ OR 380.68
1. Karl Di Falco 1990 AUS M 65.55 210.0 220.0 227.0 AR OR 122.5 130.0 135.0 240.0 257.5 267.5x 619.5 489.16
2. Joshua Luu 1997 AUS M 65.65 175.0 185.0 192.5x 102.5 110.0 112.5 225.0 242.5x 242.5x 522.5 412.04
1. Alvin Lim 1990 AUS M 73.75 207.5 220.0 225.0 155x 157.5 165.0 240.0 257.5 282.5 AR OR 672.5 AR OR 484.87
2. Josh Tukua 1992 AUS M 73.75 230.0 240x 245x 150.0 155.0 160.0 265.0 280.0 295x 670.0 483.07
3. Chad Odsey 1994 AUS M 73.90 202.5 212.5 220x 160.0 173.0 AR OR 180.5 AR OR 225.0 245.0 255x 638.0 459.36
4. Christophe Ang 1995 AUS M 73.40 212.5 220x 220.0 152.5x 152.5 157.5 250.0 262.5x 262.5x 627.5 454.00
5. Max Palmer 1997 NZ M 68.40 190.0 200.0 205x 130.0 140.0 145.0 210.0 230.0 245x 575.0 438.73
6. Tyler Mann 1995 HK M 73.85 190.0 197.5 207.5 137.5 145.0 150x 205.0 220.0 225x 572.5 412.43
7. Patrick Voung 1997 AUS M 73.70 182.5 195x 195x 102.5 110.0 112.5x 220.0 237.5 242.5x 530.0 382.34
1. Nathan Tanis 1994 AUS M 81.55 275.0 293.0 AR OR 300.0 AR OR WR 147.5 155.0 160.0 280.0 295.0 300.0 760.0 AR 512.70
2. Gary Young 1983 AUS M 82.00 240.0 247.5 255.0 177.5 185.0 190.0 255.0 270.0 285x 715.0 480.77
3. Taggart Duburiya 1992 NAU M 81.85 240.0 250.0 260x 165.0 172.5x 172.5 265.0 275.0 282.5x 697.5 469.49
4. Yingyi Yang 1992 PRC M 81.40 210.0 225.0 240.0 127.5 132.5 137.5 270.0 285.0 300x 662.5 447.45
1. Jiawen Luo 1990 PRC M 91.00 225.0 235x 240x 175.0 182.5x 182.5 265.0 280.0 292.5x 687.5 436.49
1. Weibin He 1985 PRC M 102.65 280.0 295.0 310.0 180.0 192.5 200.0 270.0 300.0 315x 810.0 488.03
2. Hung Phan 1992 AUS M 101.70 250.0 262.5 270x 160.0 167.5 172.5 295.0 312.5 322.5 AR OR 757.5 457.98
3. Michael Rand 1994 AUS M 100.65 250.0 270.0 280x 150.0 160.0 170.0 275.0 300.0 310x 740.0 449.18
4. Joash Teabuge 1985 NAU M 104.05 250.0 270.0 285x 155.0 165.0 175.0 260.0 280.0 290x 725.0 434.64
5. Victor Adis-Iosifidis 1999 AUS M 104.10 270.0 285.0 300x 165.0 172.5x 172.5x 240.0 257.5 270.0 720.0 431.57
6. Li Chen 1981 PRC M 100.90 240x 240.0 260.0 180.0 182.5x 195x 230.0 250.0 272.5x 690.0 418.42
1. Telupe Iosefa TUV M 118.75 310.0 350x 350x 180.0 190x 190x 270.0 285.0 290x 775.0 446.63
1. Jezza Uepa 1980 NAU M 186.80 420.0 455.0 460.5x 240.0 260.0 270.5x 300.0 315.0 322.5x 1030.0 551.15
2. Tony Reinmuth 1989 AUS M 153.75 335.0 357.5 AR 360x 210.0 217.5 222.5 300.0 320.0 325.0 905.0 499.02
1. Sane Faatoe 1987 AUS M 112.20 223.0 AR OR 236.0 AR OR 254x 236.0 138.06
1. Lindsay Jones 1981 NZ F 52.00 100.0 105x 105x 60x 65x 65x 125.0 130.0 135.0 0.0 BMB
1. Yurika Kepae 1995 NAU F 132.80 210x 222.5x 222.5x 90.0 100x 100.0 170.0 180.0 185x 0.0 BMB
1. Kevin Gray 1984 AUS M 56.10 230x 265.5x 265.5x 100.0 107.5x 107.5x 145.0 155.0 165x 0.0 BMB
Referees: Jacqueline Feher, Brandon Paramore, Vicki O’Brien, John Myers, Jason Wharton, Robert Orr, Steve Lousich, Julian Perry
NZ = New Zealand SBJ = Sub Junior National Record
HK = Hong Kong OR = Oceania Record
NAU = Nauru AR = Australian Record
TUV = Tuvalu WR = World Record
NIU = Niue
PRC = Peoples Republic of China
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